Accreditation Process

Steps in the Accreditation Process
  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 3
Part 1

Part 1  Assessment of Accreditation Preparedness and Agreement of Goals and Objectives


ACGME International, Inc. (ACGME-I) offers to institutions and countries outside of the United States accreditation of graduate medical education (GME) programs in selected specialties and subspecialties, and of the institutions sponsoring those programs. Accreditation is accomplished through a peer review process and is based upon established international standards and guidelines. Assessment of readiness for accreditation is the first step in the process and can take approximately three (3) months to complete.


Initial Contact

Initial contact can be made by e-mailing us at Our staff is happy to set up a telephone or video conference to determine if ACGME-I accreditation would best meet your goals. To pursue ACGME-I accreditation, an Accreditation Preparedness Assessment (APA) visit is scheduled.

The APA visit is initiated by a formal request approved by the senior leadership of the institution or Ministry of Health or Education to the President and Chief Executive Officer, ACGME International by e-mail:

Accreditation Preparedness Assessment (APA) Visit

The purpose of the APA visit is to evaluate the Sponsoring Institution(s), and residency and fellowship program(s) readiness for ACGME-I accreditation. For an institution seeking accreditation, the visit includes meetings with the institution’s senior leadership, the leadership of the GME endeavors, (such as the individual providing institutional oversight), residency/fellowship faculty leadership, and residents/fellows as well as a guided tour of the facilities used in the education of the residents. The meetings and tour usually occur over one to two days, depending on the number of programs and institutions. If a governmental agency, such as a Ministry of Health or Ministry of Education, is seeking country-wide accreditation, the visit might take longer than two days, and in addition to the meetings listed above at each potential Sponsoring Institution, the APA visit would also include meetings with appropriate governmental officials. The assessment team includes an accreditation specialist and a member of the ACGME-I is senior leadership. After the visit, the team will prepare a report that describes the proposed steps to apply for ACGME-I accreditation for the institution(s) and residency/fellowship programs. Subsequent steps will be based on the goals and objectives of the party seeking accreditation and the findings of the APA visit.

Part 2

Part 2  Sponsoring Institution(s) Accreditation


Institutions are evaluated against International Institutional standards that require institutional responsibility and oversight of sponsored programs, as well as set resident/fellow eligibility requirements and institutional infrastructure expectations. The International Institutional Requirements are comprised of the most important elements that define and support the required GME learning environment, as well as ensure the safety of both residents/fellows and patients on the part of the institution. Institutions must achieve Institutional Accreditation prior to applying for accreditation for any residency program.

Mock Site Visit of Sponsoring Institution(s)

Sponsoring Institutions can first request an optional mock site visit. The purpose of the mock site visit is to provide information to the Sponsoring Institution on any areas that may need improvement prior to the accreditation application.

The mock site visit requires the institution to first complete an institutional application that is the same web-based form used in formal accreditation visits. A mock site visit is then conducted by a current or former designated institutional official (DIO), an expert who can evaluate the sponsoring institution on its potential to meet the International Institutional Accreditation Requirements. A report of the mock site visit is prepared and reviewed by ACGME-I staff, who provide a summary report outlining the assessment of specific areas needing improvement prior to attaining International Institutional Accreditation. The results of the mock site visit are not retained to be used during any subsequent review of the institution’s application and site visit for ACGME-I Initial Accreditation.

Accreditation of Sponsoring Institution(s) 

The International Institutional Accreditation Requirements focus on the institution’s commitment to graduate medical education (GME). Commitment is demonstrated through compliance with requirements for a mission and structure devoted to GME, including establishment of a comprehensive set of impartial policies and procedures and adequate allocation of resources.

The Sponsoring Institution completes the web-based International Institutional Accreditation Application. The Review Committee-International reviews the application to make an accreditation determination to either grant Initial Accreditation for a period of one-to-two years, or to Withhold Accreditation.

Part 3

Part 3  Accreditation of Residency/Fellowship Programs


Following attainment of Institutional Accreditation residency/fellowship programs can begin the accreditation application process. Residency and fellowship program accreditation is assessed on compliance with two sets of standards: International Foundational Requirements and International Advanced Specialty Requirements. It is possible for a program to receive International Foundational Accreditation but not Advanced Specialty Accreditation. In order to achieve International Advanced Specialty Accreditation, the program must first achieve International Foundational Accreditation. Both Foundational and Advanced Specialty Accreditation can be attained at the same time.

Mock Site Visit of Residency/Fellowship Program

Residency/fellowship programs can first complete an optional mock site visit. The purpose of the mock site visit is to provide information to the residency/fellowship on any areas that may need improvement prior to submitting the accreditation application.

The mock site visit requires the program to first complete an accreditation application that is the same web-based form used in formal accreditation visits. A report of the mock site visit is prepared and reviewed by members of the ACGME-I Review Committee, who provide a summary report outlining their assessment of specific areas needing improvement prior to the programs attaining International Foundational and Advanced Specialty Accreditation. The results of the mock site visit are not used during any subsequent review of the program’s application and site visit for ACGME-I Initial Accreditation.

Accreditation site visit of Residency program

During the review process, programs are first evaluated against the International Foundational Requirements, and if they attain Initial Accreditation, they are then reviewed for Advanced Specialty Accreditation.

Program application involves entering information into a web-based system used to determine Foundational Accreditation, and completion of the Advanced Specialty application specific to the given specialty. The program then undergoes a site visit conducted by an ACGME-I site visitor. The ACGME-I Review Committee reviews the report of the site visit to make an accreditation determination.