Caching: If you are using Internet Explorer, we strongly advise switching to another browser to ensure that you are viewing the latest versions of the posted documents.
If Internet Explorer is the only browser available for you to use, please check the edit date (on page one of the Program Requirements and in the footer of other documents) and verify that you are seeing the most current version of the document.
How to: Internet Explorer 9, 10, and 11 - Clearing Cache and Cookies
Security: Due to security concerns identified by Microsoft, the ACGME will no longer support Internet Explorer versions 10 and below after June 2016. The discontinued support of Internet Explorer versions 10 and below will apply to the Case Log System, Surveys, and the Accreditation Data System. Be aware that our upgraded data collection systems will work in Internet Explorer 10 but you may encounter decreased user interface experience and functionality.
In Internet Explorer 10, go to:
All users are urged to upgrade to Internet Explorer 11 in order to take advantage of its improved security features and stability. To upgrade, visit the Internet Explorer downloads page.